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Showing posts from January, 2021

Essay Elements and Structure

  As stated in The Nature, History, and Types of Essay , a n essay is a prose non-fiction piece of writing with a varying length that addresses a thing, a person, a problem, or an issue from the author's personal point of view. To make the discussion effective, the elements that build the description, narration, exposition, or arguments in an essay should be well-organized. Structurally, the basic elements of an essay are organized into three main sections (introduction, body, and conclusion), as illustrated by the following figure. Figure 1. Basic essay Structure  (Credit: ) The followings are a brief description of each essay element. To make the description effective, the essay titled How Reading Empowers EFL Learners is referred to as an illustration. Thus, you are suggested to read it first before continuing reading the next section. A . INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH The general statement or orientation to the top...

How Reading Empowers EFL Learners

  Reading has been acknowledged as an extremely important habit for everyone since the time immemorial. Adults need to read to keep being up to date that facilitates them to make the right decisions. For older people, reading is advantageous because it slows down the progress of (or possibly even prevents) Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. For children, reading nurtures curiosity which further stimulates them to read more and to study. For students, regardless of their study field, reading is crucial because it facilitates knowledge enlargement, critical and analytical thinking skills advancement, creativity development, and cheap but healthy entertainment. For English as a foreign language (EFL) learners, however, reading is exclusively more than just a learning tool. It empowers them in many ways. This essay discusses four ways that make reading is exclusively more than just a learning tool for EFL learners. It starts with how reading provides exposure, reinforces and reco...

The Nature, History, and Types of Essay

What is an essay? Essays are used in almost all scientific disciplines and areas of life involving writing. This makes essays are defined in many ways and have various features, styles, and lengths.  The term "essay" is adopted from the French verb “essayer”, which means "to try". Meanwhile, the word essayer is adopted from the Latin noun "exagium" which roughly translates to presenting one’s case ," or the Latin verb "exigo" which means "to examine, to try, to test" (gold purity). In English, the word “essay” basically means "to attempt" or "to try". Thus, etymologically, an essay can be defined as a writer’s attempt to express his opinion through written language. Because essay writing is an "attempt", the writer is not obliged to answer the issues discussed in a final manner. The basic purpose of an essay is not to solve a problem but to stimulate discussion. Bacon (1985) accentuates that an essay...