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Showing posts from April, 2021

Paraphrasing Ideas in Writing

  Paraphrasing is one of the ways for including someone else’s oral and written ideas to support your claim in writing. Although it is only an alternative to a quote and summary, it is the most frequently used in most writing. In paraphrasing, you should not include too many similar words from the source because, by so doing, you are plagiarizing; you should not change the meaning of the original sentence, and you should not leave out important information. Paraphrasing can be conducted in six steps: identifying grammar structures, keywords, and word order; changing grammar structures; changing words with the best synonyms; changing word order; writing in a complete sentence and making necessary adjustments; and indicating the source using a proper citation introduction. This essay briefly describes these six steps. The first step in paraphrasing, identifying grammar structures, keywords, and word order of the source is essential to achieve two goals: to comprehensively understand ...

Citing and Referencing in Academic Writing

  Citing and referencing are two closely-related crucial skills in academic writing as they enable you to effectively acknowledge the articles, books, and other resources you used while writing your academic work. Citing is used to note in the text where you use someone else’s ideas, whereas referencing is the act of listing the sources you have cited at the end of your work. Citing is actualized in the form of in-text citations that show which source you are referring to; while referencing is realized in the references list that provides the full details of the source. The references list helps your readers to find the source when they need to. In creating an academic work, citing and referencing are necessary for various reasons. First, they provide evidence to back up your ideas, arguments, claims, and assertions in your work. By citing experts in your field you show your readers that you are aware of the scope of the topic you are working on. Citations signa...

Essay Writing Assignment that Changed My Life

  Credit: The most significant experience I ever had took place when I first attended the essay class in my college. It is unforgettable as it changed my view of writing. After introducing some aspects of essays, the lecturer assigned us to write about respecting parents. I was extremely confused about the assignment because I think respecting parents is something taken for granted. It is something to implement, not to talk about. What is more, I was used to disliking writing as it requires a complicated process and should be based on various conventions. However, through all the activities in the essay class, I found various interesting aspects and advantages in writing, and they totally turned my aversion to fondness. I entered college intending to earn a degree in English education. I love to be an English teacher as it will provide me the opportunities to create relationships and community not onl...